European Semiconductor Regions Alliance
Expanding Europe as a semiconductor location - competitive, resilient, sustainable
The European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA),
an alliance of European regions with proven
semiconductor industries including suppliers
and strong research and development,
has come together to promote the
importance of the semiconductor
industry for the economic
development of our regions,
countries and Europe as a whole.
Governance Structure
Regions participating in the Alliance
Latest News
1. Position Paper
At its General Assembly on 29 May 2024 in Dresden, the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA) adopted its first position paper, in which the Alliance clearly sets out its objectives for the European Commission's next legislative period, in particular: We must strengthen the semiconductor industry along the entire value chain and ensure a solid backbone of research and development and, above all, a future-orientated training and recruitment strategy for talents.
ESRA 10-Points Paper
for the foundation of the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA) on September 7, 2023 in Brussels
Get in Touch
For further questions about European Semiconductor Regions Alliance, please contact us